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New Book Release: Who Is Zaynab? +PDF

Her birth, upbringing, and the events of her life led to what would be her fateful destiny in Karbala, Kufah, and Damascus.

God has instilled a boundless potential within each human being to spread goodness and resist evil and corruption, and although every person is born with this basic nature, Islam exhorts Muslims to consciously cultivate and implement these qualities. God says in the Holy Quran, “Let there be a group among you who will invite others to do good deeds, command them to obey the Law, and prohibit them from committing sins.” Islam established this code of practice with the message of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp), not only by promulgating a complete set of divine laws and a system of practice, but also by providing a shining example of the highest human morality, ethics, and character in the Prophet. Upholding these lofty ideals, both during the time of the Prophet and after he left this world, fell on the shoulders of faithful, sincere, and righteous men and women. Although it is falsely proposed by some people that only men were, and continue to be, the supporters of this divine cause, it is clear from the Holy Quran and quite honestly, historical evidence, that women played a crucial role in propagating Islam, establishing its equitable social foundation, and resisting corruption and moral decay in society. Prior to the advent of Islam, women had no rights in a society that was predominantly governed by tribal laws. They could not own property or seek positions of social or political leadership. Rather, they were often considered property themselves, sometimes even passed from father to son (i.e., as if by inheritance) upon the former’s demise. One of the more heinous crimes against women during this period was the killing of many infant or adolescent girls at the hands of their fathers because of the perceived burden upon the family. About this the Holy Quran asks, “questions are asked about the baby girls buried alive, such as, ‘For what crime were they murdered?’

Every year the world witnesses millions of people descend upon Karbala to commemorate the valiant stand of Imam Hussain (p) to protect Islam. It is not a visitation for personal gain, nor is it merely to fulfil a ritual practice that is centuries old. Instead, it is a deep conviction and resolve to reaffirm and uphold what Imam Hussain stood and died for on the plains of Karbala. Yet, the principles which he sacrificed himself, his companions, and his family for had to be kept alive after he departed from this world. Such a task could not have been placed on just any person, rather, that responsibility had to be given to someone who was unbreakably strong, absolutely firm in their conviction, and possessing the knowledge and eloquence to keep the Hussaini legacy alive. This was Zaynab, the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp), the daughter of Imam Ali (p) and Lady Fatima (p), and the devoted sister of Imam Hussain. Her birth, upbringing, and the events of her life led to what would be her fateful destiny in Karbala, Kufah, and Damascus. She pushed back against tyranny and oppression, resisted corruption of the lofty ideals of Islam, shattered social boundaries, and demonstrated that wisdom, resolve, and forbearance can overcome any adversity. This is Zaynab!

Bibliographic Information

Title: Who Is Zaynab?

ٍAuthor (s): Hajjah Chahnaz A. Kbaisi-Hazari

Publisher: Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya

Language: English

Length: 131 pages

ISBN: 978-0-9997877-9-3

Pub. Date: 2021

Who is Zaynab?

About Ali Teymoori

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