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Muslims’ Knowledge+PDF

In this book, which has been managed to compile in a short time, the culture and science of Muslims are addressed.

Penetration of Muslim knowledge into even small countries, a division of sciences into various subjects, development of an educational system, etc., all are presented in this book.

In this book, the culture and knowledge of Muslims are addressed. It is stated that the scientific, cultural, and ethical core of everything in the global world has its roots in Islam. To the author of this book, introducing Islam in all of its aspects is one of the significant duties of Muslims. Investigating the importance of Quran, promoting science and knowledge,orienting the concern of Muslims towards science and culture, extending the knowledge of Muslims to the entire world, penetration of Muslim knowledge into even small countries, division of sciences into various subjects, development of an educational system, etc., all are presented in this book.
Throughout twelve chapters, various materials on numerous aspects of  Muslims culture and extensive related information are provided.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Muslims’ Knowledge

Author: Muhammad Reza Hakimi

Publisher: Center for Organizing Translation and Publication

 Language: English


ISBN:  978-1496063236

Pub. Date:  2014/04/21

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