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Muslims and Christians Meeting in the Blackburn Church

Members of both faiths met-up at the Sacred Heart Church in Blackburn to ‘build a stronger faith relationship and bring neighbours from both communities together’.

Earlier in the year the groups had organised a similar gathering at St Silas C of E church after the festival of Eid.

Imam Fazal Hassan, Muslim Chaplain Royal Blackburn Hospital said: “At a time when communities appear to be divided, hate crime and lack of social inclusion is increasing, the Beardwood Muslim and Christian communities of St Silas and Sacred Heart have once again come together to celebrate their faith similarities and to respect their differences.

“This local interfaith gathering saw over 100 people from both the Christian and Muslim communities come together to honor the life achievements and sacrifices of Mother Mary.

“I believe coming together on matters of faith will help promote friendship, and love and remove fear and mistrust between communities.

“Interfaith events like these are important to help strengthen community cohesion, aid social inclusion and pave the way for a peaceful co-existence.”

Reverend Sheelagh Aston and Father James McCartney of St Silas Church and Sacred Hearts Church said in statement: “For the second time in three months local Christians and Muslims people came together in the spirit of peace to share their faith in an atmosphere of friendship and fellowship.

“The ground breaking event in September held at St Silas Church lead to a further event hosted at Sacred Hearts RC Church with over 100 people gathering to learn how each revere Mary, the mother of Jesus.

“Once again the event was jointly organized by members from both faith communities.

“These events are providing a safe environment for people to share the diversity and commonality of their faiths as well as develop friendships based upon mutual trust, respect and a desire to live in harmony together side by side.”


About Ali Teymoori

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