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Muslim Couple and Money: 8 Practical Financial Tips for Newlywed Muslim Couple

Many studies show that a great deal of marital conflicts and splits are money-related; either the lack of it or the improper use of it. The finding of these studies is corroborated by personal experience as well as experiences of couples very close to everyone.

Covering such topics as correct attitude toward financial wealth, marriage and money, money formula, income, savings and investment, expenses, and debt, this book, “Muslim Couple and Money” is a personal finance material that reveals 8 practical financial tips for newlywed Muslim couples to help them attain financial freedom and happy marriage.

Let me put my message straight: I write this book because I care for you. Yes, I seriously care for you, newlywed Muslim couple; I care for every new groom and bride.

I do not want you to experience my own experience of the lack of money management during the initial years of my marriage. Like many other people, I had a whatever-goes attitude. Yes, I had an earning but no proper management; no idea at all about savings, and much less about investment; neither was there any system of monitoring the outflow of income (expenses).

Many studies show that a great deal of marital conflicts and splits are money-related; either the lack of it or the improper use of it. The finding of these studies is corroborated by personal experience as well as experiences of couples very close to you and me.

Your job is to avoid this kind of situation and be financially successful and happy as a couple, and my job is to provide you an arsenal of tools to succeed in doing so; hence, this book that reveals 8 practical financial tips for newlywed Muslim couple.

Abut the Author

Mansoor L. Limba, PhD in International Relations, is a writer, educator, blogger, chess trainer, and translator (from Persian into English and Filipino) with tens of written and translation works to his credit on such subjects as international politics, history, political philosophy, intra-faith and interfaith relations, cultural heritage, Islamic finance, jurisprudence (fiqh), theology (‘ilm al-kalam), Qur’anic sciences and exegesis (tafsir), hadith, ethics, and mysticism.

Table of Contents

Tip 1: On Muslim and Money

Tip 2: On Marriage and Money

Tip 3: On Money Formula

Tip 4: On Income

Tip 5: ON Savings

Tip 6: On Investment

Tip 7: On Expenses

Tip 8: On Debt

Bibliographic Information

Title: Muslim Couple and Money: 8 Practical Financial Tips for Newlywed Muslim Couple (Muslim and Money)

Editor(s): Mansoor L. Limba

Publisher: Independently published

Length: 80 pages

ISBN: 979-8402564329

Pub. Date: January 15, 2022

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About Ali Teymoori

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