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Mapping a Good Society Model in Ayatollah Khomeini’s Religious Political Thought

This study shows that in a historical continuum, there are two breaks along the religious-political thought of Ayatollah Khomeini.

This article identifies the components of a good society in the thought of Ayatollah Khomeini. Over several decades, he experienced a voluntary and compulsory odyssey-like journey, the result of which was theorizing about a good society and Islamic government. From the young Ayatollah Khomeini to the late “Imam” Khomeini, several images are attributed to him. We find that the good society can be realized according to pure Mohammadian Islam and religious democracy. We claim that Khomeini’s thought evolved in the face of the Other and this Other has changed the perception of his identity and thought over time. This study shows that in a historical continuum, there are two breaks along the religious-political thought of Khomeini. Contrary to the common orthodox image of him, we claim that despite the contradictions, his thought has the capacity to reconcile Islam and modernity in a new religious-political framework. Nevertheless, one can observe the transformation, the elitist view, and the multiplicity of positions in his political, cultural, and social opinions.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Mapping a good society model in Ayatollah Khomeini’s religious political thought: Possibilities and challenges

Author(s): Arash Hasanpour & Ali Rabbani

Published in: Critical Research On Religion, January 25.

 Language: English

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