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London Imam Sends Queen & Pope Theological Lesson in Christmas Cards

An east London imam has sent out thousands of Christmas cards highlighting the significance of Jesus in Islam. Recipients include the Queen and the Pope.

Dr. Mohammed Fahim, of the Qur’ani Murkuz Trust, has sent his specially designed cards near and far for almost a decade. The cards depict Jerusalem along with verses from the Koran about Jesus’ miracles and Mary’s virgin birth. Many recipients have replied.

“Almost 10 years ago I decided to design a set of special Christmas cards talking about Mary and Jesus from the Koran. I print about 4,000 cards every year,” he said.

“I send them to the members of the royal family, members of the Houses of Parliament, churches, neighbors, colleagues at work, the Pope and all the EU leaders – amazingly I receive so many responses and interesting comments.

“I am pleasantly surprised and honored that Her Majesty the Queen, the prime minister and the Pope respond to my card every year.”

The imam wants to highlight how Jesus is also a prophet in Islam, and Muslims believe in Jesus’ miracles as well as his second coming.

“Muslims believe in all the prophets and messengers of God without making any distinction between any of them – as stated by God in the Koran,” he said.

“So if they believe in Mohammed and Jesus, why do they celebrate the birth of Mohammed and not the birth of Jesus? To celebrate I mean to emulate, to study the lifestyle of these messengers, the great sacrifices they made and the legacy they left behind.”

The imam wants to encourage Muslims to study Christmas and celebrate the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. He also hopes to dispel misconceptions about Islam.

“Every year, British Muslims are missing two golden opportunities (Christmas and Easter) to propagate the message of Islam, a message of peace, tolerance and justice,” he said.

“To show how do they integrate into the British society without losing their religion or watering it down.”

“In trying to deliver this message of peace to as many people as possible, I encourage members of my congregation, as well as my friends, to send my cards to their contacts as well.”


About Ali Teymoori

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