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Knowing the Imams: the Knowledge of Imam Ali and his Judgments

Abi Talib, was the most learned one after the Messenger of God, as an Silica and Sunnis unanimously believe, as do the extremists and the Nawsib, and even non-Muslims, such as Jews, Christians, and untouchables.

For Islam, with its foundation in tawhid, all the rungs of the ladder to holiness and righteousness require knowledge, and the only way to know the Book and the traditions is through knowledge. Therefore, God instructed His Messenger to seek knowledge, and then teach the Book and wisdom. Hundreds of verses in the Holy Qur’an invite man to knowledge, praise, and prayer. Is it then possible to completely ignore all these foundational principles and under-mine them by trusting the affairs of the nation to someone without knowledge after the demise of the Messenger, who was the most aware of holiness and righteousness? Or to allow the ignorant people to choose a caliph? Anyone acquainted with the Spirit of Islam and its philosophy would know that such a system is totally wrong, and contrary to the invitation of the Messenger of God to Islam.

Abi Talib, was the most learned one after the Messenger of God, as an Silica and Sunnis unanimously believe, as do the extremists and the Nawsib, and even non-Muslims, such as Jews, Christians, and untouchables. He was the most familiar with the condition of tawhid, the Divine Names and Attributes, the Holy Qur’an, and the traditions of the Messenger of God. He was also acquainted with the commands and laws of Islam, the rules of governance, judgment, and the settling the disputes, and was connected to the Divine World and had knowledge of its secrets. So is it not a kind of theft to ignore all these attributes by denying them to Ali?

This Volume of Knowing the Imams contains: 1. Knowledge of God is the first and the most important condition for leadership and governing the people. 2. From an Islamic point of view, the most important condition of leadership is knowledge. 3. Assigning the most learned person as leader is an absolute duty to the Messenger of God. 4. On the basis of the great narrations from the Prophet, all Muslims, including the famous theologians have considered Imam Ali to be the most learned one among the nation. 5. Both the Shia and Sunni authentic narrations introduce Imam Ali as the Gate of divine Knowledge. 6. The narration invites all the nations to refer to Ali s vast knowledge in many subjects. 7. The existence of the Immaculate Imams and adhering to them; and seeking permission to enter the Messenger s house. 8. Numerous examples of Imam Ali s solving the most difficult problems and his extraordinary judgments. 9. Omar s admitting to the vast knowledge of Imam Ali and his right to the caliphate. 10. The strangest cases and judgments of Imam Ali.

Bibliographic Information

Title:Knowing the Imams: the Knowledge of Imam Ali and his Judgments

Author(s): Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Hussayn Husayni Tihrani

Translator: Rahim P. Dawlati & Salim Rossier

Editor(s): Sayyid Khalil Toussi and Sayyid Husayn Nasr

Publisher: Great Books of the Islamic World

Language: English

Length: 328 pages

ISBN: ‎ 978-1567446241

Pub. Date: 2018


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