Home / Announcements / Khums Seminar to Be Held in Stanmore

Khums Seminar to Be Held in Stanmore

The World Federation’s Islamic Education in collaboration with The Council of European Jamaats will be holding a Khums seminar on Saturday 4th May at Hujjat Islamic Centre at Wood Lane, Stanmore, HA7 4LQ England.

This seminar  aims to provide practical guidance on how Khums is to be calculated according to the most up-to-date rulings of Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah protect him).

The seminar will feature Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi, Shaykh Ali Abbas Malik, Shaykh Mohammad Al-Hilli, and Shaykh Mohammed Ali Ismail who will speak about different dimensions of Khums, and will help answer some key questions about this important area of Islamic law; questions such as:

 – If I have a mortgage, do I need to pay Khums?

– What expenses are deductible from my end-of-year surplus?

– Why is Khums obligatory?

– What happens to my Khums after I’ve paid it?

In order to provide accurate catering services for all, please register your attendance here.

The seminar is open to ladies and gents and will start at 6 PM, followed by Nyaz/Iftar after Maghribain salaat.

About Ali Teymoori

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