Home / Announcements / Job Opening: ARIC Five-Year faculty Position in Fiqh, Hadith and Quranic Studies

Job Opening: ARIC Five-Year faculty Position in Fiqh, Hadith and Quranic Studies

The Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations at the American University in Cairo announces a five-year position for a specialist in Islamic Studies (with a specialization in Islamic legal systems, Quranic Sciences, Hadith, Fiqh or other areas specifically related to Islamic Studies) to begin in Fall 2018.

The successful candidate is expected to teach Undergraduate and Graduate courses on Islamic Law, Quran, Hadith, or Islamic Philosophy, in both Arabic and English, as well as supervise MA Theses.  The teaching load is three courses per semester.  An excellent command of classical Arabic is required, as well as extensive experience in the use of primary sources. A PhD in Islamic Studies by the beginning of appointment is also required. Preference will be given to applicants with teaching experience and research record.  Review of applications begins now and will continue until the position is filled.


An excellent command of classical Arabic is required, as well as extensive experience in the use of primary sources. A PhD in Islamic Studies by the beginning of appointment is also required; preference will be given to applicants with teaching experience and research record.

Additional Information:

Review of applications will begin March 31, 2018 and preference will be given to candidates who apply before that date. Interviews will be held in person or via teleconference shortly thereafter.

Application Instructions:

All applicants must submit the following documents online:

a) a letter of interest, b) a current CV, c) completed AUC Personnel Information Form (PIF), d) a writing sample of article length, d) a sample syllabus for an undergraduate course in Islamic Studies, and e) three letters of reference to be sent directly to maguim@aucegypt.edu

For information, please, direct any enquiries to: barsbay@aucegypt.edu or mohserag@aucegypt.edu

About the University

Founded in 1919, AUC moved to a new 270-acre state-of-the-art campus in New Cairo in 2008. The University also operates in its historic downtown facilities, offering cultural events, graduate classes, and continuing education. Student housing is available in New Cairo. Among the premier universities in the region, AUC is Middle States accredited; its Engineering programs are accredited by ABET, its Chemistry program is accredited by the Canadian Society for Chemistry, and the School of Business is accredited by AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS. The AUC Libraries contain the largest English-language research collection in the region and are an active and integral part of the University’s pursuit of excellence in all academic and scholarly programs. AUC is an English-medium institution; eighty-five percent of the students are Egyptian and the rest include students from nearly ninety countries, principally from the Middle East, Africa and North America. Faculty salary and rank are based on qualifications and professional experience. According to AUC policies and procedures, all faculty are entitled to generous benefits.

About Ali Teymoori

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