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Islamology, a Journal for Islamic Studies, Calls for Papers

The Islamology journal is a new academic periodical spearheaded by a team of scholars at the Mardjani Foundation.

Islamology follows the thought and mission of our previous journal Pax Islamica – The World of Islam, which had been published in 2007 – 2013. However, the format of the new journal is slightly different; it will be more dynamic and open to current social and political issues, discussions and approaches while maintaining its commitment to fundamental research established by the previous team.

they use the notion of academic “Studies of Islam”/ “Islamic Studies” in a broad sense, implying by it any issue concerning Islam and Muslim societies. However, it will be unlikely to find in the journal those articles, which do not touch on specifically Islamic topics.  However, it would welcome studies which investigate the influences of “Islamic ethics” on the “sporting spirit. It is interested in the effects of Islam on people and vice versa. In their journal they aim to publish the studies of those experts who can answer these and similar questions or at least formulate them in such a way as to clarify the direction to follow. They invite all specialists in the aforementioned fields to submit their academic papers.

The first issue in 2017 will be dedicated to anthropology, sociology and political science of the Muslim societies.

  • Which methods of western scholarship are relevant for studying the Muslim countries and societies?
  • What is the difference between the sociology of Islam and general sociology?
  • In what kind of terms can we express political trends of the Islamic world?
  • Why are the debates on “fundamentalism”, “Salafism”, “Islamic reformism”, “jadidism”, “Islamism” still so vibrant?
  • What is the role of traditions, both old and reinvented?
  • Which new approaches can we use to study particular societies and individuals?
  • What are these approaches today?

The theme of the second issue will be “The Primary Sources and History”.

The deadline for submitting papers is March 30, 2017 for the first issue and August 30, 2017 for the second one.

Besides academic papers, we will also publish other items of interest to scholars in the field of Islamic Studies, including interviews, book extracts, primary sources, translations, and news.

The journal’s languages are Russian and English. We thereby accept papers in both.

To see more click here.

About Ali Teymoori

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