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Islamic Solidarity in Infra-National Thoughts of Imam Khomeini+PDF

Unity of expression among Muslims as a barrier to the dominance of the foreigners. All Muslims should be one hand against the aliens. Everyone in his own environment with whatever government and whatever sect, should be independent.

We declare we do not have any intention of encroaching upon any Islamic or non-Islamic state. We want all the Islamic countries to be brothers to one another just like the Iranian government and nation, which are in full agreement with each other, unlike the former regime where the Iranian government was against the nation and the nation against the government. Therefore, as soon as the nation found harmony, the superpowers could not keep the one who was their unconditional agents. We want all countries to have this kind of harmony we have here. All Muslims should be one hand against the aliens. Everyone in his own environment with whatever government and whatever sect, should be independent. Muslims should be brothers and friends to one another; they should relate to each other; armies of all Islamic countries should support one another. If it were not for disunity among Muslims Israel with its little population would not dare to disregard Muslims. If there were no dispute among Islamic governments and Islamic countries, America could not rule over all countries and take away all their resources. We plan to keep our country independent, to live free and to come to terms with all Muslims of the country and with all inhabitants of the country. We wish to be united with official sects, to stick together and to preserve our country. No power can harm us if we have harmony in this small environment and with this population.

About the Author

Ayatollah Sayyid ʿAli Ḥusaynī Khamenei”, is among Shi’a Marja’s and the second leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Islamic Solidarity in Infra-National Thoughts of Imam Khomeini

Compiler: Mahmoud Darini

Publisher: Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini

 Language: English


Pub. Date: 2007/01/31

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