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Islamic Law in Past and Present

This book provides information based on an abundance of Oriental and Western sources regarding family and inheritance law, contract and economic law, penal law, constitutional, administrative and international law.

Islamic Law in Past and Present, written by the lawyer and Islamicist Mathias Rohe, is the first comprehensive study for decades on Islamic law, legal theory, reform mechanisms and the application of Islamic law in Islamic countries and the Muslim diaspora. It provides information based on an abundance of Oriental and Western sources regarding family and inheritance law, contract and economic law, penal law, constitutional, administrative and international law. The present situation and ‘law in action’ are highlighted particularly. This includes examples collected during field studies on the application of Islamic law in India, Canada and Germany.

About the Author

Mathias Rohe, Dr. iur. (19 ), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, is professor of Civil Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law and Head of the Erlangen Centre for Islam and Law in Europe. He has published numerous monographs, book chapters and articles on Islamic law based on several field studies in various countries.

‘Sharia’ and Law
The Origins of the Islamic State and Its Legal System
The Development of the Dogmatics of Islamic Law
Judgments and Opinions
Overview of the Areas Governed by Classical Islamic Law
Further Development and Upheaval from the Thirteenth/Nineteenth Century Onwards
Methods for Further Development and Examples of Practical Application
Core Areas of Modern Islamic Law
India: An Example of a Territory Previously under Muslim Rule
Canada: An Example of a Typical Immigration Country
Germany (Also Taking into Account Other European Countries)
Between Secularisation and Re-Islamisation
Conclusion: The Search for New Approaches
The Structure of the Kitāb al-mabsūṭ fī l-furūʿ by the Hanafite Jurist al-Sarakhsī (d. 483/1090)

Bibliographic Information

Title: Islamic Law in Past and Present

Author: Dr Mathias Rohe

Publisher:  Brill

 Language: English


ISBN: 9789004281806

Pub. Date: 2014/09/23

About Ali Teymoori

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