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Islam in Post-Communist Eastern Europe

In Islam in Post-communist Eastern Europe: Between Churchification and Securitization Egdūnas Račius reveals how not only the governance of religions but also practical politics in post-communist Eastern Europe are permeated by the strategies of churchification and securitization of Islam.

Though most Muslims and the majority of researchers of Islam hold to the view that there may not be church in Islam, material evidence suggests that the representative Muslim religious organizations in many Eastern European countries have been effectively turned into ecclesiastical-bureaucratic institutions akin to nothing less than ‘national Muslim Churches’. As such, these ‘national Muslim Churches’ themselves take an active part in securitization, advanced by both non-Muslim political and social actors, of certain forms of Islamic religiosity.

About the Author

Egdūnas Račius, Ph.D. (2004), University of Helsinki, is Professor in Islamic Studies at Vytautas Magnus University, and Senior Researcher in the project Post-secular Condition at Vilnius University, Lithuania. His research focuses on Eastern European Muslim communities. He is the author of Muslims in Eastern Europe (Edinburgh University Press, 2018).

Table of Contents

  1. Dynamic-compound framework of the state accommodation of Islamic religious practices
  2. Three-level interaction in churchification/securitization of Islam in Eastern Europe
  3. Location of the countries under research on the churchification-securitization coordinate system
  4. The churchification-securitization loop
  5. Phases of securitization of Islam in Europe
  6. Muslim populations in Eastern Europe
  7. Forms of Islamic religiosity and their representatives in countries under research
  8. Status of religions in Eastern Europe
  9. Levels of official securitization of irregular migration of 2015–2016
  10. Muslim religious organizations in countries under research

Bibliographic Information

Title: Islam in Post-communist Eastern Europe

Author(s):  Egdnas Raius


Language: English

Length: 260 pages

ISBN:  978-9004425347

Pub. Date: May 23, 2020

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