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Iran to Host Int’l Conference on Palestine Intifada

The 6th edition of the International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Intifada will kick off in the Iranian capital of Tehran on Tuesday.

Kazem Jalali, the conference spokesman, said delegations from 80 countries will take part in the international event.

He made the remarks at a press conference in Tehran on Saturday.

Jalali said the conference will be launched with a message from Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.

The motto of this year’s event is “Everyone Together in Support of Palestine”, he said.

The spokesman reminded that five editions of the conference have been held in Iran since 1990 when Iran’s Majlis (parliament) passed a law in support of the Palestinian Islamic uprising.

He referred to the Zionist regime’s attempts to destroy Islamic symbols in the occupied territories, especially al-Aqsa Mosque, its continued illegal settlement building activities, and its brutal blockade of the Gaza Strip, saying that the conference aims to underline the need for Muslim unity against the Zionists.

According to Jalali, the two-day conference will be attended by high-ranking Iranian officials and chaired by Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani.

He went on to say that a number of key figures of the Islamic Resistance movement will be honored at the conference.

The new Palestinian Intifada (popular uprising), known as the Third Intifada, was sparked in October 2015 by Israel’s restrictions on Palestinians’ right to pray in al-Aqsa Mosque compound, Islam’s third holiest site. Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed by the Zionist regime since then.


About Ali Teymoori

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