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Intl. Seminar on Islamic Jurisprudence in Contemporary Society

The International Seminar on Islamic Jurisprudence in Contemporary Society with theme “The Social Harmony through Islamic Jurisprudence” will be held on 4-5 March 2017 in Malaysia.

International Seminar on Islamic Jurisprudence in Contemporary Society 2017 (ISLAC 2017) is a continuation of the International Seminar on Islamic Jurisprudence in Contemporary Society 2013 (ISLAC 2013) and The Seminar on Islamic Law in Contemporary Society 2011 (ISLAC 2011) and also academic lectures that were organized by Department of Islamic Syariah Studies, Faculty of Islamic Contemporary Studies UniSZA, in order to empower the Islamic law facing current challenges during the era of globalization.

In the era of post-modernism today, the Muslim world is facing various challenges and arising issues that related to self-esteem, family, wealth, Islamic finance, administration, environmental conservation and even conflict legislation that demands holistic solutions and approaches. In order to harmonize these issues by acknowledging the role and the significance of Islam, any approaches, solutions and resolutions taken should be based on Islamic rulings, methods of Islamic jurisprudence, and the objectives of Islamic law (Maqasid Syar’iyyah) . This is consistent with Islamic law that is dynamic, progressive, ready to change according to context and situation as long as it does not conflict with the principles and objectives of the Shari’ah.

“The Social Harmony Through Islamic Law” has been chosen as the theme of ISLAC 2017. By making this theme as a core, this international seminar is expected to gather scholars in and outside the country, who have expertise in various fields. Thus, this should be able to give valuable input in outlining some elements of harmony in all aspects of social life, which is realized successfully through the soul and spirit of Islamic law. This input can also increase the literature of contemporary knowledge that is formulated based on Islamic legal framework.

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission deadline: 30th January

Full Paper Submission Deadline: 30th January 19, 2017

Registration & Confirmation Attendance: 31st January

Seminar Date: 4-5 March 2017

Venue: The Hotel & Convention Centre Terengganu, Malaysia


  1. Discuss the ideas of social harmony that is manifested in every aspect of human lives through Islamic law.
  2. Discuss contemporary issues form the perspective of Islamic law as the proof of its significant role and relevancy across the changing time and place in all aspects of human life, in line with the niche of the Faculty of Islamic Contemporary Studies.
  3. Highlight the uniqueness of Islamic jurisprudence as a driver of ummah wasatiyyah to ensure their lives to be more harmonious.
  4. Explore the glory of Islamic law at all levels including the State of Terengganu.
  5. Establish local and international academic network.

Theme and Subthemes

The Social Harmony through Islamic Jurisprudence


  1. Shariah Index and its implementation
  2. Maqasid Shariah in Islamic law
  3. Study of ta’siliyyah (derivation of Islamic rulings) in contemporary issues.
  4. Administration of Islamic Law
  5. Islamic Wealth Management
  6. Islamic Finance and Banking
  7. Islamic Criminal Law
  8. Islam and Gender
  9. Islamic Family
  10. Issues of halal and haram
  11. Issues in medicine
  12. Islam and Human Rights
  13. Islam and Environmental Conservation
  14. Islam and Terrorism / War
  15. Education and community

For Official Website of the Seminar

About Ali Teymoori

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