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Intl. Conference for Lunar Month and Unified Hijri Calendar

International Conference for Lunar Month and Unified Hijri Calendar to be held on 7 March 2016 in Turkey.

In cooperation with the Islamic Crescents Observation Project (ICOP), the Office of the President of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) will organize the “International Conference for Lunar Month and Unified Hijri Calendar” to determine the start of Ramadan, determine the dates of the Eid festivities and establish unity in the Hijri calendar among all Muslims. The Office of the President of Diyanet regards the fact that Ramadan starts at different times in different countries and Muslims even mark Ramadan at different times in the same city as something contrary to the tawheed (oneness of the Almighty Allah) spirit and traditions of Islam and has thus decided to bring together scientists from Islamic countries that are experts in this area as well as astronomers and officials in the decision making process at a comprehensive meeting.

The special requirements for those who will submit offers for a unified calendar are: “The proposals should be in line with the facts of the science of astronomy and the laws of Islam, the data used in the preparation for the proposals of the calendar and the scientific methods applied should be clearly defined, an application should be submitted that covers a whole Hijri year and should be easily used in daily life.”

The secretary general of the congress will be Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal, chairman of the Supreme Council of Religious Affairs. Translations into Turkish, Arabic, English, Spanish, German, French and Russian will be available.

The scientific committee of the conference includes Vice President of Diyanet Dr. Ekrem Keleş, Supreme Council of Religious Affairs member Prof. Dr. Ahmed Yaman as well as Prof. Dr. Ali Muhyiddin el-Karadâğî, Prof. Dr. Sâcid Özdemir, engineer Muhammed Şevket  Avde, Prof. Dr. Şeref el-Kudât, Dr. Zülfikar Shah, Ahmed Câballâh, Dr. Heymen Mütevellî, Dr. Muhammed Garîb, Dr. Mühendis Celâleddîn Hancı, Dr. Mustafa Bülent Dadaş and astronomer İlhami Aşıkkaya.

About Ali Teymoori

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