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International Halal & Islamic Studies Conference

This year, the theme of the conference is ‘Strengthening Islamic Branding, Identity and Reputation’ with three keynote speakers that will highlight the theme. In addition, there are five pre-conference workshops that will be conducted by experienced facilitators.

International Halal & Islamic Studies Conference will be take place at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on October 2017.

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission Deadline:  30 August 2017
Final Paper Submission Deadline : 31 September 2017 (Camera Ready)
Early Bird Payment Deadline: 15 August 2017
Last Date Payment Deadline: 31 September 2017

Conference Date: 30-31 October 2017
Venue :
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

All paper submissions will undergo a double blind review process through the EasyChair system. Selected papers will get a chance to be published in Scopus and non-Scopus journals. The organiser will also submit a proposal to Springer for a chapter in book publication.

Virtual Presentation

If you wish your paper to be published in IHISC 2017 publications, but you are not able to attend the conference in person, you can register for a “virtual presentation”.

Video recordings (.mp4) of virtual presentations will be played at the related session, and presenters will be connected via Skype. Thus, the audiences will be able to ask their questions to the presenter of the virtual presentation. Time allocated for the virtual presentations is as 10 mins for video recordings and 5 mins for the discussion session. Virtual presentations ought to be submitted till September, 31, 2017 for technical arrangements.


  1. Video must be uploaded in YouTube. Please set the privacy setting to ‘UNLISTED’ if you want to restrict the audience to those who has the link only.
  2. Submit your video link to ihiscsecretariat@gmail.com. Following the submission of the video link, the presenter should add following information to the mail content;
    1. Name Surname
    2. SKYPE address (the mail address to be contacted).

On the day of the conference, only the author whose turn it is to present will be contacted. The presenter is expected to be online on Skype at least 30 mins before the presentation. The author will be contacted after the video is presented in case the audiences have questions for the presenter.


All accepted papers will be included in the proceedings  with ISBN number.

Selected papers will be published in one of the publication below only if you follow the guidelines, modify at least 30% of the content and prepare the paper accordingly.

  1. Scopus Journal (Will be updated)
  2. Social Science & Humanities Academic Journal (SSHAJ)

       3.Possible publication in a book published by Springer

For Official Website Click Here.

About Ali Teymoori

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