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Inner Secrets of the Path+PDF

A valuable resource for the students of Irfan (Gnosis), which discusses how spiritual travellers should walk on the path taking to their Lord using the Sharia (Law) and deals specifically with the roots and branches of religion.

In writing this book I have followed the path of the shari`ah, the path of specific duties and service made incumbent by Allah on His slaves. I have traveled lightly along this path with the minimum of hindrance and impediment, so much so it may be construed as an omission or negligence on my part. I have traveled thus along the spiritual path on seeing that this age and this country are devoid of men of excellence; I did not take upon myself this great task except after perceiving the absence of men of perfection and the absence of spiritual `poles’ (a group of spiritual guardians, appointed by God and specific in number) and after seeing the door to spiritual travel closed.(author)


Bibliographic Information

Title: Inner Secrets of the Path

Author:  Sayyid Haydar Amuli

Publisher: Elements Books

 Language: English

Length: 532

ISBN: 978-1502538079

Pub. Date: 2014/04/19

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