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‘Imam Hussain: The Symbol of Humanity’ Conference to Be Held in Manchester

The International Media Center (IMC) of Imam Hussain Holy Shrine has completed its preparations for its upcoming conference, “Imam Hussain: The Symbol of Humanity” in Manchester, UK.

The head of the IMC, Haidar al-Mangooshi, said, “The International Media Center will hold an international conference at the University of Manchester, in cooperation with the The10thDay Organization and Ahlulbayt Islamic Societies (ABSoc), where a number of guest speakers including Chris Hewer from Ireland, Sheikh Muhammad Umar and Dr. Sheikh Shomali will deliver lectures on Imam Hussain, peace be upon him.”
The event is scheduled for tomorrow November 29, 2021 at 6:00pm local time.
“The conference will include several segments, including researches of the aforementioned professors and clerics, a documentary film about the holy city of Karbala, in addition to a review of the major charitable and humanitarian projects by the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine along with a photographic exhibition that sheds light on the history and heritage of Karbala and the Arbaeen Pilgrimage,” added al-Mangooshi.

About Ali Teymoori

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