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Imam Ali (a) the Herald of Unity

To establish unity, Imam Ali (A) urged people toward unity in every context and asked the governors to refrain from carrying out any alteration (restructuring) and preserve good traditions in society in order to promote unity of Islamic society.

In Islamic thought, “unity” has a high status in continuation of the holy Prophet (S) and Imams’ (A) mission. Thus, a thorough research of the conduct and speech of Imam Ali (A), who was the herald of unity, would show the status of unity and its various dimensions in true Islam. Imam Ali (A) viewed unity as the fruit of the mission of the holy Prophet (S), among whose results is burying mutual rancor and developing brotherhood and affection among Muslims. Criticizing disunited nations, Imam Ali (A) mentions that division leads to destruction of dignity and honour while unity leads to the descent of divine blessings.

To establish unity, Imam Ali (A) urged people toward unity in every context and asked the governors to refrain from carrying out any alteration (restructuring) and preserve good traditions in society in order to promote unity of Islamic society. He (A) knew unity and establishing  justice as developing each other  and expected the government to fulfil them. He (A) reinforced the judicial system, selected special people to judge and exercised intensive supervision over his executive officers. In Imam Ali’s (A) viewpoint, paying attention to people’s legitimate demands and true emotions were among material and social causes of creating unity among people. He (A) would count Allah, the holy Prophet (S), the leader, law and the Qur’an among the spiritual elements  which  facilitate  unity,  and  in  this  regard,  would emphasize the role of the leader. He (A) also regarded disbelief, deviation from truth, worldliness, lawbreaking and arrogance as some of the major elements which cause divisions. He (A) gave orders to prevent these elements.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Imam Ali (a) the Herald of Unity


Published in: Message of Thaqalayn, Winter 2013, Vol. 13, No. 4

 Language: English

Length: 24 pages

Imam Ali (A) the Herald of Unity

About Ali Teymoori

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