An interaction is a reciprocal relation between two individuals or two groups. In his political practice, Imam Ali (a) engaged in constructive interactions with his opponents based on shared principles.
In different circumstances, he always sought to find rational and accurate solutions through direct talks. He always treated his opponents with patience and tolerance. Imam ʿAli never allowed his companions and associates to insult the enemy. He advocated for the unity of the Islamic nation and always underlined charitable and passionate advice. On some issues, he unveil the true face of the enemy by dispelling confusion and answering their accusations. He always aimed to guide his opponents towards the truth. However, when they refused to accept his arguments and insisted on fighting him, he reluctantly engaged in war.
Interaction is a kind of exchange or reciprocal relationship (Mahyar, n.d., 61). It is a mutual relationship between two individuals or two groups. The way Imam ʿAlī treated, and interacted with, his ideological and political opponents is indicative of his remarkable competence in management. An extraction of his interaction methods in the face of various groups and individuals can provide us with solutions to many problems concerning management and political relationship (in both domestic and international policies). Some Islamic countries today suffer from problems at three levels of interactions: the government’s interactions with people, the government’s interactions with other governments, and the government’s interaction with non-Islamic governments. An updated version of the interaction methods adopted by Imam ʿAlī (a), as an acceptable figure among all Muslims, can serve as a constructive model. The Imam was so chivalrous that he did not do injustice even to his enemies and never initiated to destroy his adversaries. He believed that even his enemies had certain rights; hence, his command to his appointed ruler in Egypt Mālik al-Ashtar: “Never deceive your enemy and never break your pledge” (Nahj al-Balagha, letter 53)…..
Bibliographic Information
Thesis Title: Imam ʿAlī’s Methods of Interaction with his Ideological and Political Adversaries in Nahj al-Balagha
Author(s): Yoones Ashrafi Amin & Mostafa Delshad Tehrani
Published in: Islamic Inquiries (2023), 2(1): 89-104
Language: English
Length: 16 Pages
Imam ʿAlī’s Methods of Interaction with his Ideological and Political Adversaries in Nahj al-Balagha