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Hikmat Academic Event: Medical Bioethics in Shi’i Fiqh

Hikmat International Institute, in collaboration with universities, academic institutions, and independent scholars and researchers, organizes event titled ‘Medical Bioethics in Shi’i Fiqh’ which is hold on February 20, 2023.

These events are held online and are free and open to anyone who is interested.

The development of medical technologies allows solving previously insolvable healthy problems. Simultaneously, it creates new questions whether these technologies are morally and ethically correct and can be used. These questions are answered by Islamic law, spec. by its jurisprudence (fiqh), in Islamic countries, while in the West they are decided on the basis of vague principles of medical ethics. The lecture aims to comprehensively present a range of attitudes of contemporary Iranian Shi’ite ‘ulama’ on selected issues of bioethics (abortion, stem cells research, transplantation and brain death, euthanasia and cloning). These attitudes will be compared with the situation in selected European countries.

Join us in the academic event on “Medical Bioethics in Shi’i Fiqh” on February 20, 2023.

Mgr. Veronika Sobotková Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic, where she teaches courses on contemporary Islam and the history of Middle Eastern countries. Her current research work concerns the transformation of Shi‘ite fiqh within Islamic bioethics. She is conducting her research and coordinating on this topic with scholars, ‘ulama’ and other medical and research institutions in the Holy city of Qom, Iran.

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About Ali Teymoori

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