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Ghadīr Khumm (Khumm Pond) by Muhammad Ali Amir Moezzi

Ghadīr Khumm (Khumm Pond) was a pond, which no longer exists, located at Juḥfa, on the caravan route between Mecca and Medina.

In the time of the prophet Muḥammad, the pond belonged to the Kināna and Khuzāʿa tribes (Caetani, 1 H., §76, n. 4, and §78, n. 3). Ghadīr Khumm is associated with an important event in the life of Muḥammad, the differing interpretations of which are one of the main reasons for the schism between Sunnīs and Shīʿīs.

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Ghadīr Khumm by Amir-Moezzi

About Ali Teymoori

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