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Forty Questions on Islamic State: a Collection of Students’ Queries on Political Thought+PDF

The present work is a thorough examination of what the Islamic State should be, why it needs to exist and what differences are between opinions about the Islamic State.

This book includes answers to some questions raised in the field of “political thoughts” in Islamic teachings. Author presents the questions as follows: definition of Islamic government, necessity of religious government, politics and religious government, religion and politics, the structure and differences of government, legislation, jurisprudential and scientific management, religious government and circumstances of time, legality and acceptability of religious government, people’s role in religious government, religious government and civil organizations, Islamic law and personal freedoms, restricting the power in religious government.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Forty questions on Islamic state: a collection of students’ queries on political thought

Author: Hamid Reza Shakerian

Publisher: Ansarian Publication

 Language: English

Length: 81

ISBN: 978-964-219-176-5

Pub. Date: 2011/09/13

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