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Forecasting the Ramadan Crescent According to Astronomical Research Center

Every year the story repeats itself at the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan and also with its conclusion. Has the moon been sighted or not?  In this area or that area? According to this marj’a (spiritual leader) or that marj’a?

The table below is showing the situation of the 1439 Ramadan Crescent according the Astronomical Research Center of Qom, Iran which is under the attention of ayatollah Sayyid Ali Sistani, the Shia Qrand Marja’ al-Taqlid.

Attention: (*) Means that the Hour is the intended of the that day

                   (×) Means that the Hour is the intended of a day before

                   (••) Means that the Hour is the intended of the two days before

About Ali Teymoori

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