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Fellowships: Program on Law and Society in the Muslim World

The Program on Law and Society at Harvard Law School Visiting Fellowship Program provides opportunities for outstanding scholars and legal practitioners to undertake research, writing, and scholarly engagement on law and society in Muslim majority and minority contexts.

We are particularly interested in applicants whose work focuses on human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights, minority rights, animal welfare and rights, constitutional law, food law, environmental law and climate change in particular, migration and refugee studies, LGBTQ issues, and related areas.

We welcome applicants with advanced degrees (e.g., JD, LLM, SJD, PhD or other comparable degree) and experienced practicing lawyers who aim to draw upon their legal experience in their Fellowship project. Fellows may spend from one month up to one academic year (excluding June-August) in residence at Harvard Law School working on an independent project. We seek applicants from a diverse range of backgrounds, academic traditions, and scholarly interests.

How to Apply

To apply for a Visiting Fellowship for 2022–2023, please submit the following materials via the online application form:

  • a curriculum vitae
  • a recent publication or a writing sample (approximately 25 pages in length). All publications or writing samples should be in English.
  • a research statement, not to exceed 1000 words, that: 1) describes the proposed work during the fellowship period. The proposal should outline a specific research project that can be accomplished during the Fellow’s residence at Harvard Law School; and 2) sets forth a specific work output for the completed project (e.g., book, article, database/website entries).

You will be asked to arrange that TWO letters of recommendation be submitted directly from your referees via our online portal. The application form includes a separate link for you to provide your referees. If more than two letters are sent, there is no guarantee that all letters will be read.

Application Deadline

All applications must be received no later than January 15, 2022 via our online application form. Letters of recommendation should be sent directly from the referee to the Program via the online system. Late applications will not be considered. Applicants may expect emailed notification of Fellowship decisions in early to mid March.

Please note: When you access the application form, you should be ready to enter all request information and to upload all supporting documents (CV, research proposal, and publication/writing sample), as the form cannot be saved.

Additional Information

Funding and Facilities

Fellows will receive a stipend of up to $5,000 per month. PLSMW will pay the monthly Law School appointment fee for the duration of a Fellow’s stay at the Program, which will ensure, among other things, library access to all Harvard University libraries, access to University recreational facilities (for an additional fee), an email account at the Law School, membership in the Faculty Club, and free admission to University museums. Visiting Fellows will receive an office at PLSMW or in the Harvard Law Library.

Terms of Appointment

Fellowship terms are variable, from a minimum of one month to a maximum of one year. We do not accept visitors during the summer months of June, July, and August.

Residence Requirements

With exceptions for a limited amount of personal and professional travel, Visiting Fellows are expected to be in residence at PLSMW throughout the term of their appointment in order to foster an intellectual community, share ideas, and contribute to Program projects and events.


PLSMW does not provide housing. No housing should be expected in University apartments or dormitory rooms, for which Harvard faculty and students have priority. Accepted fellows are encouraged to seek outside housing several months before arriving in Cambridge, preferably in person. There is information on housing on the Harvard International Office website.

Health Insurance

All visiting fellows must show proof of having adequate health insurance. Those who do not already possess such insurance can access information on obtaining Harvard Affiliate Health Insurance at the Harvard University Health Services website. A less expensive plan, available by the month, has been negotiated by Harvard’s International Office for international scholars.


Visiting Fellows may audit one course in any unit at Harvard University on a non-credit basis per semester, with permission of the instructor. There is no tuition charge for auditing courses. Visiting Fellows do not have faculty status. Appointment as a Visiting Fellow does not entitle the individual to participation in any Harvard degree program.

Faculty Club

Fellows are allowed access to the Harvard Faculty Club. The Club serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner Monday through Friday.


Fellows may take advantage of a wealth of cultural and academic extra-curricular offerings available to the Harvard community on a daily basis. Visiting fellows should come prepared to share their professional experience and expertise, and will have opportunities to meet other scholars through functions organized by numerous groups and programs at Harvard Law School and other parts of the University.

For any questions or for further information, please address queries to Ceallaigh Reddy, PLSMW’s Program Administrator, at creddy@law.harvard.edu or +1.617.496.5145.

About Ali Teymoori

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