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Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures

Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures is an essential reference work for students and researchers in the fields of gender studies, Middle Eastern and Islamic studies, as well as scholars of religion, history, politics, anthropology, geography and related disciplines.

The Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures (EWIC) is an interdisciplinary, trans-historical, and global project embracing women and Islamic cultures in every region where there have been significant Muslim populations. It aims to cover every topic for which there is significant research, examining these regions from the period just before the rise of Islam to the present. A unique collaboration of over 1000 scholars from around the world, the Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures crosses history, geographic borders and disciplines to create a ground-breaking reference work reflecting the very latest research on gender studies and the Islamic world. No other reference work offers this scale of contributions or depth and breadth of coverage.

The Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures Online covers all volumes of the print edition, covering the following subjects:
– Methodologies, Paradigms and Sources (volume 1)
– Family, Law and Politics (volume 2)
– Family, Body, Sexuality and Health (volume 3)
– Economics, Education, Mobility and Space (volume 4)
– Practices, Interpretations and Representations (volume 5)
– plus the Supplement and Index Volume

Bibliographic Information

Title: Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures

Editor: Suad Joseph

Publisher: Brill

Language: English

Length: 837 pages

ISBN: 978-9004128187

Pub. Date: January 1, 2005

About Ali Teymoori

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