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Conference: Shia Studies in Twenty-First Century

This online conference engages Shia studies scholars from across the globe in discussion of various themes in Shia theology, polemics, and politics.

The theological, political, philosophical, and literary notions in Shia Islam have attracted significant academic interest in the last fifty years and resulted in a growing body of academic research—from scholars in Europe, North America, and Oceania.

The Center for the Study of the Middle East at Indiana University, Massey University in New Zealand, and the Middle East and Islamic Studies Aotearoa/New Zealand are delighted to invite you to the virtual zoom conference, “Shia Studies in Twenty-First Century,” to be held in 5/30-31/2022 (Eastern US Time) / 5/31-6/1/2022 (NZ time).This conference is intended to bring together scholars of Shi’ism across the world to share their research. It intends to create a scholarly network from Europe and North America to Oceania.
The themes of the conference are; Theology and Philosophy of Shia Islam, Shia Islamic Metaphysics, Shi’ism and Sufism, Modern Political Thought in Shia Islam, Shia Shariah: Private or Public?, Equality and Economics in Shia Islam, Equality in Shia Islam, Contemporary Shi’ism and Gender Equality, non-Twelver Shias, Shi’ism and the environment, Atheism Skepticism and Apostacy in Shia Islam, Rights in Shia Islam, Ultra-Shia, Shia Islam and Democracy, Shia Islam and Art, Shia Islam and Technology.
We would very much appreciate your contribution to the conference, as we understand your contributions already made to the field.
We dearly hope you are able to participate in our zoom conference, thank you so much for the consideration and your outstanding work in Shia Studies.

Click here to Register and also see more.

About Ali Teymoori

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