Home / Conferences / Cologne University Hosts the Second Annual Shi’a Studies Conference +Pics

Cologne University Hosts the Second Annual Shi’a Studies Conference +Pics

In the 50th anniversary of establishment of the first Shia Specialized Library in Europe by Prof. Abdul Javad Falatouri, Iranian philosophy scholar and founder of Hamburg Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Cologne University of Germany hosted the second Conference of Shia Studies from 18-19 of October.

The main researchers were Sayyed Hasan al-Qizweeni,  Shaykh Hadi Zada and Professor Liqat Tamim from Canada as well researchers from Lebanon and Egypt.

“Islamic Sciences, Ethics and Art in Shi’a World: The Case of Medina” was the title of the program, which also marked the 50th anniversary of the Shia Specialized Library.

The Iranian Cultural Center in Germany organized the two-day conference in German and English.

Hojat-ol-Islam Mohsen Alviri, Iranian researcher and expert in history and civilization of Muslim nations, presented a speech on “heritage of Imam Baqir (AS)” on the first day of the program.

Hisam Ouf and Aria Awanlu from Tubingen University were other speakers of the first day who discussed Imam Sadiq’s (AS) life.

Some of the themes of the program included the relation between Shiism and the city of Medina, Shia Seminary in Medina in the early Islamic period, the relation of Shia Imams (AS) with pilgrims, the citizens of Medina, the spread of scientific, philosophical, theological and jurisprudential thoughts through the pilgrims of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) shrine, the heritage of Shia identity in Medina focusing on Baqi’ cemetery, and arts, including architecture and literature, among Shias residing in Medina.

Dr. Shaykh Hadi Zadeh from the Hawza Ilmiyyah of Isfahan presenting on the Early Signs of the Emergence of the School of Imami Theology.
Sheikh Sayyid Hussain Qazwini Presented a paper on ‘Forming a Shii Fiqh free of Khabar al Wahid’.
Sheikh Dr. Mohsen Alviri discussing the History of pre-Islamic Period in Imam Al Baqir’s Traditions
Professor Liyakat Takim of McMaster University in Canada presenting on the Clash of Authority between Imams and their Disciples.
Prof. Sajjad Rizvi from University of Exeter presenting on Sayed Ali Khan Madani and Dr. Seyfeddin Kara (Imam Ali Chair at Hartford Seminary) on the Prophet’s mosque as a center of Shii learning.
Dr. Zeyada from Egypt presenting on the old architecture of Janat Al Baqi. The Fatimid ruler Al Mu’iz was the first to build the domes in Al Baqi. These structures were destroyed at the hands of Al Saud.

Dr. Raghda El Masri from the Lebanese University in Beirut presenting on the Rational and Epistemological Foundations of Ahlulbayt’s School.
Shia Specialized Library in Europe by Prof. Abdul Javad Falatouri
Shia Specialized Library in Europe by Prof. Abdul Javad Falatouri
Second Annual Shi’a Studies Conference

About Ali Teymoori

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