If Imam Hassan (A.S) had as much followers as you have today, he would have risen up against the caliphate of his time. At first, he staged an uprising but when he learned that his followers had been bribed, he dismissed his decision to follow...
Read More »Fatwas Regarding the Qadha Fasts according to Ayatollah Sistani
If a person does not observe fast of the month of Ramadhan intentionally, and commits sexual intercourse or masturbation several times during the day, the Kaffarah does not...
Read More »Ramadan Is the Month of Humbleness, Repentance, Piety and morality: Ayt. Khamenei
In the sermon delivered by the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) on the last Friday of the month of Sha’ban, there are certain points that show this month is not only the month of worshiping God. It is also the month of morality and the month of acquiring and...
Read More »Obligatory Qada and Kaffarah of Fasting
Fasting means that a person must, in order to do homage to Allah, from the time of Adhan for Fajr prayer up to Maghrib, avoid nine things which will be mentioned later. In some situations Qada or Kaffara or Both of...
Read More »Fatwas regarding Women’s Issues in the Month of Ramadan
For fasting, women have some additional rules that apply to them due to issues such as pregnancy, menstrual cycles, and breast feeding. The following provides some insight into those matters that may be helpful when women are considering fasting in Ramadan and other months. Rules during pregnancy and breastfeeding A …
Read More »How to Avoid Shaking Hands with a Non-Mahram?
The Islamic view is very clear when it comes to having any sort of physical contact (particularly skin to skin) between the opposite genders. For most practicing Muslims, avoiding physical contact with a namahram may not be super hard, however what does get to...
Read More »Polygamy Is not Recommended: Ayatollah Khamenei
According to Ayatollah Khamenei, polygamy is permissible (Jaʼiz), but it is not recommended (Mostahab). This view is not only strongly backed by Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh), and consistent with the decree of some early and recent jurisprudents, but there is...
Read More »An Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh), Part 2
In Shahīd Thānī's point of view, ijtihad is contingent upon the knowledge of some studies including: morphology and syntax, terminology, etymology, rhetoric, uṣūl al-fiqh (principles of Islamic jurisprudence), logic, rijāl (scrutiny of...
Read More »What Happend at the Meeting of Ayatollah Sistani and Sachedina
The following report is being provided to all concerned who, having known Abdulaziz Sachedina for such a long time, have a right to know what transpired in the presence of the Ayatollah Sistani, the marja`, of the majority of the Khoja Shia Ithna Asheri communities around the...
Read More »An Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh), Part 1
Fiqh is briefly defined as "the knowledge of inferring (istinbāṭ) aḥkām sharʻī". The term istinbāṭ (inference) literally means appearing after being hidden, so extracting water from the depth of a well is called nibṭ. Therefore extracting and discovering aḥkām sharʻī from...
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