This article presents an endowment note as the only surviving material trace from the famous library of the Shiʿite scholar ʿAlī b. Mūsā Ibn Ṭāwūs (589/1193–664/1266).....
May, 2024
12 May
Al-Shaykh al-Ṭūsī: His Writings on Theology and Their Reception
Whereas most of the theological works by al-Sharīf al-Murtaḍā (d. 436/1044) have been preserved and are now available in critical editions and have partly been studied, only some of the kalām writings by his most prominent student, the Shaykh al-ṭāʾifa Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan al-Ṭūsī (d. 460/1067), are...
8 May
Catalogue of the New Corpus of Documents from the Ḥaram al-sharīf in Jerusalem
The documents from the Ḥaram al-sharīf in Jerusalem constitute one of the most important corpora from the pre-Ottoman Middle East covering broad areas of social, political, cultural and economic history....
April, 2024
26 April
Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History
This rich and magisterial work traces Palestine's millennia-old heritage, uncovering cultures and societies of astounding depth and complexity that stretch back to the very beginnings of recorded history....
18 April
Int’l Conference on Jannat al-Baqi Held in Qom, Iran +Pics
An international conference titled “Baqi Cemetery, Burial Place of Imams and Companions” kicked off in the Iranian holy city of Qom on Thursday....
4 April
International Quds Day: Re-Emergence of a Unifying Social Order for the Ummah
Today, Quds Day has become an international phenomenon with marches and demonstrations held in many countries of the world....
March, 2024
21 March
Mapping a Good Society Model in Ayatollah Khomeini’s Religious Political Thought
This study shows that in a historical continuum, there are two breaks along the religious-political thought of Ayatollah Khomeini....
19 March
Book: Islamic Laws of Fasting by Ayatollah Sistani
This booklet provides a comprehensive look at fasting, its philosophy and goals, the rules that govern its performance, and the important details related to its...
9 March
Morality and Revelation in Islamic Thought and Beyond: A New Problem of Evil
This book discusses a general problem in contemporary philosophy of religion by turning to the resources of the Islamic tradition, presents critical discussion of conservative arguments that Scripture can undermine morality, and offers two new solutions for....
4 March
Contextualism in Ayatollāh Borūjerdī’s Jurisprudential Methodology
This article sheds light on the fiqhī methodology of Ayatollāh S. Hosain Tabātabāī Borūjerdī (1875-1961). According to the author, one of the most prominent features of his methodology is a....