This volume represents an outstanding collection of closely argued and superbly documented papers on law, theology, and philosophy in medieval Islamic society. Rather than rehashing thrice-familiar debates, the authors focus on...
April, 2017
26 April
Islamic Banking in Pakistan: Shariah-Compliant Finance and the Quest to Make Pakistan More Islamic
This book analyses the push to Islamize Pakistan and its financial system by Islamic revivalists, following the early 1947 debates in the original Constituent Assembly to the final 2002 ruling on IBF of...
26 April
Book: Intent in Islamic Law: Motive and Meaning in Medieval Sunnī Fiqh
Intent in Islamic Law- Motive and Meaning in Medieval Sunni Fiqh” is a highly important treatise not only for the student and the researcher of Islamic Law but also for anyone interested in the development of Islamic thought...
25 April
Book: Islam and the Veil: Theoretical and Regional Contexts
This book, a collection of articles from the University of Gloucestershire’s annual Islam conference, is another effort at clarification. In this case, the presumed audience is British; most of the authors are based in the United Kingdom and the material they draw on...
24 April
Rule-Formulation and Binding Precedent in the Madhhab-Law Tradition
In Rule-Formulation and Binding Precedent in the Madhhab-Law Tradition, Talal Al-Azem argues for the existence of a madhhab-law tradition’ of jurisprudence underpinning the four...
24 April
Book: Shariʿa Councils and Muslim Women in Britain
In this book Tanya Walker draws on extensive fieldwork from over 100 cases to argue for a radically different understanding of the setting and dynamics of the...
23 April
Her Day in Court: Women’s Property Rights in Fifteenth-Century Granada
The author presents a finely honed analysis of women's property rights in the medieval Islamic world based on a series of unique documents originating in the Islamic court of Granada in the...
23 April
Book: Jihad – Challenges to International and Domestic Law
The meaning of 'Jihad' is not as straightforward as some might like it to be. This book aims to explore how its meaning has been manipulated since the rise of political Islam during the 1960s and to...
22 April
Book: Islam and Economic Policy: An Introduction
This book explores whether public policy in Muslim majority countries has been influenced by Islamic economic discourse...
20 April
Book: Islamic Law and Society in Iran: A Social History of Qajar Tehran
This is the first book on the relationship between Islamic law and the Iranian society during the...