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August, 2017

  • 23 August

    Book: The Hajj and Europe in the Age of Empire

    The book focuses on the political perceptions of the Hajj, its global religious appeal to Muslims, and the European struggle for influence and supremacy in the Muslim world in the age of...

  • 17 August

    Book: Islamism and Islam by Bassam Tibi

    In this important and illuminating book, Bassam Tibi, a senior scholar of Islamic politics, explores the true nature of contemporary Islamism and the essential ways in which it...

  • 9 August

    Book: Introduction to Jurisprudential Maxims

    Jurisprudential maxims (al-qawa‘id al-fiqhiyyah) play an important role in determining one's legal duty in particular situations. When applied, these maxims - such as the 'Maxim of Purity', the 'Maxim of...

July, 2017

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