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May, 2023

April, 2023

March, 2023

  • 29 March

    Book: Islamic Religious Education in Europe

    This Book offers a comparative study of curricula, teaching materials, and teacher education in fourteen European countries, and in doing so, explores local, national, and international complexities of contemporary Islamic Religious Education....

  • 23 March

    Shiʿite Legal Theory: Sources and Commentaries

    This volume contains editions and commentaries of hitherto un-edited manuscripts from the various strands of the Shiʿite tradition of Islamic thought (Zaydi, Ismaʿili and...

  • 13 March

    Human Rights in Islamic Societies: Muslims and the Western Conception of Rights

    This book compares Islamic and Western ideas of human rights in order to ascertain which human rights, if any, can be considered universal. This is a profound topic with a rich history that is highly relevant within global politics and...

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