Shia jurists have always paid special attention to scientific data when issuing ‘fiqh’ rules and there has never been a conflict between science and religion in Shi’ism as there has been in Christianity....
Read More »Shia Contributions to Islamic Civilization
Islamic civilization, which filled the gap between the ancient civilizations and modern Western civilization, is one of the most developed civilizations with regards to attention it has shown to science, philosophy and literature, and ultimately served as a...
Read More »Book: Conceptions of Justice from Earliest History to Islam
This book examines the conceptions of justice from Zarathustra to Islam. The text explores the conceptions of justice by Zarathustra, Ancient Egypt, India, Mesopotamia, Noah, Abraham, and...
Read More »Book: Ideal Islamic Economy: An Introduction
This book provides an introduction to the vision of an economic system based completely on the Holy Qur’an—a system defined as a collection of institutions, representing rules of behavior, prescribed by Allah for...
Read More »New Islamic Civilization in the view of Imam Khomeini
The great Islamic Revolution of Iran occurred under the leadership of Imam Khomeini and with the widespread presence of people against internal tyranny and foreign domination and brought Iranians independence, freedom and movement in the...
Read More »Video: Ayatollah Khamenei Received the First Dose of the Iranian Covid Vaccine
Today on June 25, 2021, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei received the first dose of the Iranian Covid vaccine. Previously, Ayatollah Khamenei had set 2 conditions for him being...
Read More »How Do I Approach Someone for Marriage?
Indeed, marriage is an important responsibility which is blessed and sanctified by God. He states in the Quran, “And of His signs is that He created for you mates from your own selves that you may take comfort in them, and He ordained affection and....
Read More »The Greatness of Imam al-Riḍa’s (a.s.) Personality in the Words of Dignitaries
Although the status of Imam al-Riḍa’s (a.s.) Imamate suffices to become aware of his sublime position, stating part of the words related in this respect would make a great impression on the public minds. Despite his enmity with Imam al-Ridha (a.s.), the Abbasid Ma’mun, who enjoyed a high status in knowledge and scholarship, has said about Imam al- Riḍa (a.s.): “I do not know anyone superior to this man – meaning Imam al- Riḍa (a.s.) – on the face of the earth.” Jamal al-Din Ahmad b. Nassaba, also known as Ibn ‘Inaba, said, “Imam al-Ridha (a.s.), whose nickname is Aba al-Hasan, was matchless in his own time among the sons of Abu Talib.” And Dhahabi, who is famous for his deviation from Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.), said about Imam al- Riḍa (a.s.): “He was chief of Bani Hashim in his own time and the most forbearing and the wisest of them all…” As one of the notables of his time, Aba Salt Hirawi said, “I have not seen anyone more knowledgeable than ‘Ali b. Musa al- Riḍa (a.s.); no scholar saw his holiness unless he would confirm this same witness of mine…” Abu Nawas was one of the celebrated poets in Imam al- Riḍa’s (a.s.) era. One day one of his friends protested to him why he had not written anything about such a personality as Imam ‘Ali b. Musa al- Riḍa (a.s.), despite knowing him. Abu Nawas replied: “I swear by God that his greatness prevented me from this; someone like me is not able to eulogize the like of him.” Then he wrote a poem, the brief rendering of which is as follows: “They tell me: How come you, who are a matchless orator, fail to eulogize Imam al- Riḍa (a.s.) despite his sublime character? I said, “I cannot eulogize the Imam to whose father Gabriel was a servant.” One day Imam al- Riḍa (a.s.) came out while riding a nimble mule. Abu Nawas approached him, greeted, and said, “O son of the Prophet! I have composed some poetry; I would like you to hear it.” The Imam said, “Recite it!” Abu Nawas recited three lines of his poetry, including this one: “Whoever is not ‘Alawi in his lineage, Does not have any honor from his past.” The Imam (a.s.) said to his retainer: “How much is remained of our expenditure?” He replied: “Three hundred dinars (every dinar costing a mithqal – equivalent to 5 grams).” His holiness told him to give it to Abu Nawas. When the Imam returned home, he said to his retainer: “Maybe he would regard that amount as little, take this mule to....
Read More »Brief History of Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Riḍa
Imam Ali ar-Rida was brought up under the holy guidance of his father for thirty-five years. His own insight and brilliance in religious matters combined with the excellent training and education given by his father made him unique in his...
Read More »What Imam Reza (AS) Said to Ayatollah Bahjat?
I met Ayatollah Bahjat in Mashhad. I asked him, “Do you remember 55 years ago? We were both studying in Sayyid school in Najaf. We were friends, albeit not...
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