What follows in this brief booklet is a commentary of three specific chapters from the Noble Qur’an which speak about the spiritual greatness and significance of the only daughter of Prophet Muhammad, Fatima al-Zahra....
Read More »Book: Fatimah (as) the Gracious
Lady Fatima az-Zahra is a female created by Allah to be a sign of His magnanimity, and incomprehensible might. For example, the Almighty Lord created Muhammad (S) as a sign of His might among prophets, and created from Prophet Muhammad (S) a daughter, Fatima az-Zahra (sa), to be a sign of Allah’s ability to create a female...
Read More »Ayatollah Modarres: A Role Model for Freedom-Seekers
Throughout Iranian history, many have dedicated their lives to the nation's freedom, independence, and the rule of law against tyranny. Ayatollah Sayyid Hassan Modarres was one such clergyman who entered politics to champion the rights of the oppressed Iranian people....
Read More »The Struggle of the Self: Selected Hadiths and Brief Commentary of a Chapter from Wasail al-Shia of Shaykh al-Hurr al-Amili
This book, published on the advice of His Eminence Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, provides a comprehensive list of traditions from the infallibles on Jihad al-nafs or the Struggle of the Self, and it serves as both a theoretical lesson and a practical manual for every wayfaring believer to implement....
Read More »How Iranian luminary Allamah Tabataba’i Inspired French Orientalist Henry Corbin
Allameh Mohammad Hossein Tabataba'i is widely regarded as one of the modern era's most celebrated and revered Islamic mystics and philosophers, a luminary whose intellectual brilliance has inspired generations....
Read More »Ayatollah Sistani Condemns Terrorist Attack in Pakistan
After the terrorist attack in the city of Parachinar, Pakistan, which killed innocent passengers, the office of the Grand Ayatollah Sistani issued a statement in which the Pakistani government demanded that the Pakistani government take appropriate measures in this regard....
Read More »A Third of Muslims Considers Leaving UK due to Rising Islamophobia
A third of Muslims in Britain say the recent far-right riots fueled by racist and Islamophobic attitudes have forced them to consider leaving the country, a survey says...
Read More »Paths Made by Walking: The Work of Howzevi Women in Iran
This groundbreaking ethnography on Iranian howzevi (seminarian) women reveals how ideologies of womanhood, institutions, and Islamic practices have played a pivotal role in religiously conservative women's mobility in the Middle East...
Read More »Art Exhibition Opens in Tehran to Honors Martyrdom of Hassan Nasrallah, Resistance Fighters
A group exhibition titled "Phoenix of Quds," commemorating the 40th day of the martyrdom of the leader of the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, and honoring the martyrs of resistance, was inaugurated at the Abolfazl Aali Gallery of the Art Bureau in Tehran on Monday.....
Read More »Call for Papers: Moratoriums on Islamic Criminal Punishments: Legal Debates and Current Practices
The Journal of Islamic Law invites papers that explore both theoretical discussions and practical applications concerning the ḥudūd, penalties that Muslim jurists consider to be divinely ordained punishments for a Special Issue on “Moratoriums on Islamic Criminal Punishments: Legal Debates and...
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