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Sociability & Relations

Imam ʿAlī’s Methods of Interaction with his Ideological and Political Adversaries in Nahj al-Balagha

An interaction is a reciprocal relation between two individuals or two groups. In his political practice, Imam Ali (a) engaged in constructive interactions with his opponents based on shared principles. In different circumstances, he always sought to find rational and accurate solutions through direct.....

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Islamic Unity Is the Main Responsibility of Muslims

Unity, which is among the greatest and the most important duties of all Muslims, is one of the issues that I will stress today. The week leading to Rabi al-Awwal 12 was named as Unity Week at the beginning of the Revolution. That was because according to famous traditions narrated by our Sunni brothers, Rabi al-Awwal 12 marks the birth anniversary of the....

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Doctrine of Imamate in Twelver Shi’ism: Traditional, Theological, Philosophical and Mystical Perspectives

The doctrine of imamate---that is, the rule of a particular individual over the community---is a central and pivotal concept in Islam generally, and in Shi`ism specifically. Scholars who have studied this concept have tended to emphasize one aspect of the doctrine of imamate to...

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