Home / Conferences / Call for Papers: Islam, Muslims and Education in Britain

Call for Papers: Islam, Muslims and Education in Britain

A one day Symposium invites papers that explore Islam, Muslims, and education in Britain from a wide variety of disciplines and perspectives, but which hold the experiences of those involved at the centre.

Contributions are welcome from postgraduate students, established scholars, and practitioners in these areas.

The place of Islam and Muslims within British education has been the focus of intense debate, as has the role of Islamic education and its institutions.  Yet much of this work offers a macro-level discussion of complementary and conflicting ideological and normative claims.  Increasingly there is a need to locate these debates in views “from the ground”.

This one-day symposium takes this as its core focus, asking what are the experiences of Muslims in education in Britain today?  It is intended to move from the macro to the micro, exploring the everyday lived experiences of Muslim operating within various educational institutions in Britain.  By sharing these narratives, it is hoped that this symposium can help nuance wider debate surrounding the experiences of Muslims in British educational contexts.

Call for Papers

It invites papers that explore Islam, Muslims, and education in Britain from a wide variety of disciplines and perspectives, but which hold the experiences of those involved at the centre. Contributions are welcome from postgraduate students, established scholars, and practitioners in these areas.

Abstracts should be no more than 200 words in length, with a 50-word biography. This is to be completed on the attached Abstract Submission Form. Abstracts should be sent to Matthew Vince and Haroon Sidat at iuksymposium2017@cardiff.ac.uk. Proposals in English or Welsh are welcome. If your abstract is accepted, papers should be no more than 15 minutes in length.

Important Dates:

The deadline for proposals: Sunday 5th November 2017 at 11:59pm

Conference Date: Monday January 15th, 2018, 10am – 5pm

Venue: Main Council Chamber, Main Building, Park Place, Cardiff University.

All applicants will be contacted one week after the date (Sunday 12th November) regarding the outcome of their submission.

Click Here for Application Form


About Ali Teymoori

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