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Call for Papers: Gender & Muslim Spaces: Community & Academic Perspectives

The “Gender and Muslim Spaces: Community and Academic Perspectives” conference will take place in University of Leeds, United Kingdom on March 29, 2017.

Date: March 29, 2017

Abstract Submission Deadline: January 30, 2017

Venue: University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

Organized by: Muslims in Britain Research Network (MBRN) and the University of Leeds

Conference Theme

The question of gender inclusion among British Muslims is currently a high profile debate. This conference aims to unpack the many facets of this debate from a range of methodological, theoretical and community perspectives. There are three main strands to the theme:

  • Academic Research and Gender Inclusion: Given that descriptions of Muslim community life have often been unacknowledged descriptions of Muslim men, how best might that be problematised? What theoretical work needs to be done to highlight gender exclusion or inclusion more concretely? How can Muslim male and female subjectivities be better understood separately or otherwise? What impact can gender inclusion or exclusion have upon research methodologies, ethical issues, questions of access and questions of academic representation?
  • Politics of Gender Inclusion and Exclusion: What role does the issue of gender inclusion now play in questions of state policies regarding Muslims? How far is it tied to questions of securitisation and extremism? How central an issue is it in terms of discourses of Islamic reform or notions of personal authenticity in terms of new Islamic gender theology and everyday Muslim practices?
  • Gender Inclusion in British Muslim Institutions, Networks and Movements: How extensive is the drive towards gender inclusion? What enhances and retards gender inclusion? What modalities of inclusion are being undertaken? How is gender exclusion being defended or problematised?


Call for Papers:

Abstract submissions are invited for papers that address any aspect of the conference theme. Participants will be asked to present their research in a short format as part of a panel with questions and answers at the end.

To participate please send a brief 150 word abstract to the email address below by 30th January 2017 along with a biographical note of no more than 50 words.

Abstract submissions and any general questions should be sent to the conference organisers at MBRNleeds2017@gmail.com.


About Ali Teymoori

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