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Call for Papers: The Qurʾān and Syriac Christianity: Recurring Themes and Morifs

The ERC project “The Qurʾān as a Source for Late Antiquity” (QaSLA) invites Early Career Scholars to submit papers for the conference The Qurʾān and Syriac Christianity: Recurring Themes and Morifs to be held in Tuebingen, Germany from December 5-7, 2022.

The three-day international conference pioneers in its focus on the relationship between the Qurʾān with Syriac Christianity. The event will bring together an international group of specialists in Syriac Christianity as well as scholars of the Qurʾān to explore how the Qurʾān reacts to Syrian Christian traditions and the extent of which it serves as a historical witness to Syriac Christianity in Arabia.

The conference welcomes proposals for papers that engage any aspect of the Qurʾān´s conversation with Syriac Christianity.

Approaches to be taken and themes to be addressed may include, but are not limited to:

  • The Qurʾān´s employment and reshaping of themes and motifs known from Syriac Christianity – from the very beginnings of Syriac literature to the emergence of East and West Syrian traditions
    • The Qurʾān´s conversation with East or West Syrian traditions in particular
    • The co-relation of West or East Syrian traditions with the Meccan and Medinan layers of the Qurʾān according to the Noeldekean chronology or its further refinements by Angelika Neuwirth and Nicolai Sinai
    • The relationship of the intra-qurʾānic parallels with divergent Syriac traditions

Travel and accommodation expenses in Tuebingen for the duration of the research symposium will be covered by QaSLA.

This call for papers invites Early Career Researchers (PhD candidates and within five years of the award of the PhD). It seeks to promote outstanding research of early career scholars and bring them in conversation with established scholars of Qurʾānic Studies and Syriac Christianity.

Please note that all proposals must include:

  • Author name and affiliation
  • C. V.
  • Paper title
  • 250-word paper abstract (written in English)

Important Data

Date: 5-7 December 2022

Venue: University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany

Abstract Submission Deadline: May 6, 2022

About Ali Teymoori

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