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Call for Papers: Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion

Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion (RSSSR) is an interdisciplinary, international peer-viewed annual series, which publishes new and innovative research within the social scientific study of religion or belief.

Contributions span a range of theoretical orientations, geographic contexts and research methods, though most articles are reports of original quantitative or qualitative research related mainly to the sociology and/or psychology of religion.

RSSR usually includes a guest-edited special section that allows networks of researchers to report studies in areas that are or current interest or which are innovative and expanding the discipline into new areas.

Important Data

Abstract Submission Deadline: January 13, 2020

Notification of acceptance of paper: 30th January 2020

If accepted full papers will be due by 5pm Friday 31st April 2020

Publisher: BRILL

Submitting Proposals

It invites proposals for the next edition of the RSSR. It welcomes proposals from academics at all levels of their career, including early career researchers and final year PhD students. Please submit a title and abstract of no more than 300 words together with names and short biographies (150 words), institutional affiliation/s (if relevant), and contact details.
Manuscripts for both the main and special sections should be send to the editors, Ralph Hood (ralph-hood@utc.edu) & Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor (ac0967@coventry.ac.uk). For more information and submission guidelines please see the Call for Papers under Downloads on this webpage, or contact the editors.

About Ali Teymoori

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