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Call for Papers: Muslims in America

This panel intends to examine the works of Muslim American poets, novelists, playwrights, musicians, performers, filmmakers, and visual artists.

We welcome submissions that examine the diverse compositions of Muslim American identities as depicted in cultural texts as they challenge and engage with the canonical codes and sociopolitical norms of national, theoretical, literary, and aesthetic spaces.

Keeping in mind the theme of SAMLA 94 “Change,” panelists might consider how these writers and artists employ different media in their mapping of modifications in cultural, political, and religious landscapes. Panelists may also want to explore how the writers and artists articulate the concept of change (or stasis) as Muslim Americans to deal with issues of language, representation, location, technology, and education in high and low art forms.

Please submit a 300-word abstract, a short biography, pronouns, and A/V requirements, to Mahwash Shoaib (mahwashshoaib@hotmail.com; she, her, hers) by June 29.

Important Data

Date: November 11-13, 2022

Venue: Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Abstract Submission Deadline: June 29, 2022

About Ali Teymoori

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