Home / Announcements / Call for Papers: McGill Institute of Islamic Studies Graduate Student Symposium 2019

Call for Papers: McGill Institute of Islamic Studies Graduate Student Symposium 2019

The organizing committee of the McGill Institute of Islamic Studies Graduate Student Symposium invites abstract submissions to their ninth annual symposium, to be held on April 4-5, 2019 at McGill University.

Our aim is to provide an opportunity for graduate students based in various parts of the world and approaching the study of Islamicate thought and life across time and space through a multiplicity of disciplinary and methodological approaches to share their work with the Institute’s faculty and students in an atmosphere of constructive and supportive criticism.

Reflecting our department’s primary research areas, the symposium’s themes include but are not limited to:

  • theology, philosophy, mysticism, and jurisprudence
    • history, political science, and anthropology
    • Urdu, Arabic, Persian, and Turkish literature

An abstract of 250-500 words and a one-page résumé should be sent electronically to miisscsymposium@gmail.com by December 30, 2018. Please include a tentative title for your paper and two or three keywords describing its regional and disciplinary focus, as well as your name, program of study (MA, MPhil, or PhD), and departmental and institutional affiliation. Applicants will be notified of a decision by January 15, 2019.

For more information Contact Email: miisscsymposium@gmail.com

About Ali Teymoori

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