Home / Announcements / Call for Papers: Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World

Call for Papers: Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World

The Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World aims to be a new reference for field archaeologists, (art) historians, anthropologists, curators, and scholars and students of the archeology, (art) history, architecture, anthropology and ethnography of the Muslim world.

Brill has entered into a partnership with The Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, (London, UK) and the Aga Khan Museum (Toronto, Canada) to publish a new peer-reviewed, academic journal called Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World (MCMW) in full open access. With the support of the University and the Museum, all author charges will be waived.

The Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World aims to be a new reference for field archaeologists, (art) historians, anthropologists, curators, and scholars and students of the archeology, (art) history, architecture, anthropology and ethnography of the Muslim world. This readership represents a new broader definition of material culture that includes not only artefacts, architectural structures and monuments, but also crafts. The journal aims to inform (other) disciplines and historiographies, for example by also including archaeological field surveys.

The journal also focuses on un(der)explored Muslim regions outside of the Middle East and North Africa: sub-Saharan Africa, the Indian Ocean, Central Asia, India, Southeast Asia and Europe.

The journal accepts submissions in English, French, German and Spanish and short reports in Arabic, Persian and Turkish with an English abstract.

Submissions should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, Stéphane Pradines, at Stephane.Pradines@aku.edu.

Frequency: 1 volume per year, 2 issues per volume.

Expected date of publication of the inaugural double issue: October 2020.

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About Ali Teymoori

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