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Call for Papers: Fifth Annual Islamic Philosophy Conference

The American Society of Islamic Philosophy and Theology’s fifth annual conference will be held December 1 – 3, 2023. It will be a hybrid conference, with some papers presented online via Zoom, and some in person on the Harvard campus.


We invite academic studies of scholars, methods, institutions, texts, and topics typically considered within the domain of philosophy, as well as those that treat kalam-theology, Islamic legal philosophy (usul al-fiqh), or other intellectual trends that at times may be seen as distinct from philosophy. Papers may be within specific disciplines (Philosophy, Islamic Theology, Religious Studies, etc.) or may be interdisciplinary. Active engagement with contemporary issues via the methods of various forms of Islamic philosophy is also welcomed and encouraged.

We are particularly interested in proposals that relate to this year’s conference theme:

“After Mustafa Sabri: What Does a Robust Kalam Engagement with Contemporary

Philosophy and Theology Look Like Today?” This year’s conference aims to continue to explore the interface between Islamic Philosophy and Theology and contemporary issues. Submissions can be normative, constructive, or descriptive provided that they are academically rigorous.

This conference is open-ended and invites applications from a wide variety of topical settings. Topics need not be limited to the conference theme.

We welcome co-authored abstracts involving scholars from different disciplines, panel proposals, as well as individual proposals. Each paper session will have 20 minutes to present followed by a Q/A session.


Please submit an abstract (https://asipt.org/conferences/conference-paper/) of no more than 500 words excluding bibliography by October 1, 2023. If accepted for the conference, papers will receive first consideration for publication in the Journal of Islamic Philosophy, pending successful peer review. All participants must be registered for the conference to present their papers.


Please submit your paper proposals by the October 1, 2023 deadline.

Questions should be sent to Conference Director, Dr. Aaron Spevack and Conference Organizer Michaela Spampinato at islamphil@gmail.com.

The conference is sponsored by the Journal of Islamic Philosophy, the American

Society of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Harvard’s Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, and Brandeis’ Near Eastern and Judaic Studies. Generous funding for this conference has been p

About Ali Teymoori

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