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Book: The Inner Dimensions of Hajj

This book has been adapted from a number of lectures given by Ms. Zohreh Borujerdi. A draft of the English translation of the script was then prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Abuzar and Ashraf Ahmadi.

Most books on Hajj are either manuals detailing the rituals or travelogues describing the event. The Inner Dimensions of Hajj is different; it is a concise exposition of the deeper dimensions of this sacred journey, which is obligatory upon every Muslim who is able to perform it at least once in their lifetime. It offers a deep spiritual and mystical insight into the particular significance of the rites of Hajj and the esoteric meanings of the sacred phrases and words that accompany these rites. Adapted for an international audience, this book is suitable for anyone interested in learning about Hajj as a mystical journey, as well as for those Muslims who desire to answer the call of their Lord and fulfill this pillar of Islam.

This book has been adapted from a number of lectures given by Ms. Zohreh Borujerdi. A draft of the English translation of the script was then prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Abuzar and Ashraf Ahmadi. Dr. Rebecca Masterton has reviewed, translated and revised the text, while a team of scholars, Sayyid Morteza Alawi Talari and Dr. Sayyid Moslem Madani have reviewed and authenticated the content, concepts and references. Finally, the text has been edited by Shaykh Ahmed Haneef and Dr. David Cook.

It offers a deep spiritual and mystical insight into the particular significance of the rites of Hajj and the esoteric meanings of the sacred phrases and words that accompany these rites.
Adapted for an international audience, this book is suitable for anyone interested in learning about Hajj as a mystical journey, as well as for those Muslims who desire to answer the call of their Lord and fulfill this pillar of Islam.

About the Author

Zohreh Borujerdi was born in 1960, and from the beginning of her childhood she had learned the divine truths and deep teachings of the Quran and the traditions. She studied the introductory Islamic sciences at the Hawza Ilmiyyah in Mashhad then continued her edu-cation at the Hawza Ilmiyyah in Qom up to the highest levels. While a seminary student, Mrs. Borujerdi married and took on the re-sponsibilities of raising children in addition to studying, teaching and engaging in research. For many years, she has devoted herself to lib-erating women from the superficiality and the mundanity of daily life and to bringing them toward a deeper understanding of the Quran and the traditions. In 2000, she founded the educational institute of al-Sultan Ali ibn Musa al-Rida, so that she could both teach women the Islamic sciences and combine her studies with her daily life.

Table of Contents

The Necessity and Importance of Hajj

The Meaning of Hajj

Hajj: A Rebirth

The Intention for Performing Hajj


The Garment of Ihram

The Miqat


Entering the Masjid al-Haram

The Kaaba

Hajar al-Aswad


Tawaf Prayer

Drinking the Water of Zamzam

Sa’y between Safa and Marwah


The Mash’ar al-Haram


The Sacrifice

Taqsir and Halq

One Last Reflection



Index of Quranic Verses

Index of Hadiths

Index of Terms and Subjects

Index of Names and Places

Bibliographic Information

Title: The Inner Dimensions of Hajj

Author(s): Zohreh Borujerdi

Editor: Hamid Reza Matin and Ja’far Ali Muhibullah

Publisher: Islamic International Foundation of Cooperation

 Language: English

Length: 172 pages

ISBN: 978-600-90596-3-8

Pub. Date: Jul 13, 2018

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About Ali Teymoori

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