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Book: Secular Nationalism and Citizenship in Muslim Countries

The book “Secular Nationalism and Citizenship in Muslim Countries: Arab Christians in the Levant” Explores the role of Christian contributions to Arab–Islamic politics and society and provides a study of the historic roots of Christianity in the Arab-Islamic world.

The status of Arab Christians provides a gauge for the peaceful coexistence of vulnerable ethnic and religious communities in the Middle East. A team of international scholars examines (1) Christian Cultural and Intellectual Life in the Islamic Middle East: A Shared History; (2) Human Rights, Combating Persecution, and the Responsibility To Protect; and (3) The Arab Spring, the Shia/Sunni Divide, and Their Impact on Regional and Geopolitical Tensions. The authors represent a variety of views based on their varied backgrounds. While their perspectives do not always agree, the multiple dimensions of their assessments, particularly their analyses of sectarianism, authoritarian regimes, the role of Islamic law, the persecution of religious and ethnic communities, and the “duty to protect,” provide valuable insights into crucial issues.

This edited volume examines the importance and significance of the Christian population in the Middle East and North Africa from the rise of Islam to present day. Specifically, the authors focus on the contributions of Christians to Arab politics, economy, and law. Using the current plight of Christians in the Muslim world (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Egypt), the contributors analyze the origins of the crises and propose recommendations and strategies to foster religious freedom, human rights, and an inclusive political system that ensures equality of citizenship for all communities to participate fully in their societies.

About the Author

Kail C. Ellis is Associate Professor of Political Science and Assistant to the President of Villanova University, USA.

Table of Contents

Christianity’s Historic Roots in the Middle East: Christians at Home in the ‘World of Islam’: Griffith, Sidney

Christianity in the Wider Levant Region: Modern History and Contemporary Contexts: O’Mahony, Anthony

Christian Contributions to Art, Culture, and Literature in the Arab-Islamic World: Sabella, Bernard

Christians in Arab Politics: Mitri, Tarek

Christian Contributions to Education and Social Advancement: El-Yousef, Sami

The Arab-Christian Predicament Before and After the Rise of the Islamic State: Chalala, Elie

A Human Rights Perspective on the Protection of Christians and Other Minorities in the Middle East and North Africa: Azzam, Fateh

The Persecution of Minorities in the Middle East: Ben-Meir, Alon

The “Responsibility to Protect” and the Dangers of Military Intervention in Fragile States: Zinni, Anthony C.

The Answer to the Vulnerability of Arab Christians and Other Minorities Is Citizenship Rights Under the Rule of Law: Khouri, Rami G.

The Impact of the Shia-Sunni Political Struggle and Future Strategies for Christians and Other Vulnerable Communities in the Middle East: Katulis, Brian.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Secular Nationalism and Citizenship in Muslim Countries: Arab Christians in the Levant

Editor: kail Ellis

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

 Language: English

Length: 226 pages

ISBN: 978-3-319-71204-8

Pub. Date: 18 Feb. 2018

About Ali Teymoori

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