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Book “Ownership in Islam” by Ayatollah Beheshti

The discussion of the book incorporates the problem of value which comprises divine ownership, its origin and extent, man’s ownership, its origin, extent and types.

The concept of ownership prevails under various cultural, socio economic set-ups, be it feudalism, capitalism, socialism and non-secularism (religious), the issue of ownership and its connotation carry much weight. Its propriety, manner (either individual or public), devolution of the means of ownership to individuals or their centralization in the hands of the government is being discussed in the present book.
The topic of this book is essentially, ownership. The discussion incorporates the problem of value which comprises divine ownership, its origin and extent, man’s ownership, its origin, extent and types (individual ownership and its types, collective ownership and its types) and the effects of ownership as expressed in the right to possession, right to cede and its compulsory transfer. An in-depth attitude is being adopted while treating the sensitive areas of man’s ownership and also the effects of such ownership expressed in terms of the right to possession and its exploitation, etc.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Islam and Ownership

Author: Ayatollah Martyr Sayyed Muhammad Beheshti

Published in: Abjad Book Designers & Builders

 Language: English

ISBN: 9781871031287

Length: 36 pages

Pub. Date: 1989

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About Ali Teymoori

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