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Book: Monotheism and Human Nature

The main question of this Element is how the existence, supremacy, and uniqueness of an almighty and immaterial God bear on our own nature.

It aims to uncover lessons about what we are by thinking about what God might be. A dominant theme is that Abrahamic monotheism is a surprisingly hospitable framework within which to defend and develop the view that we are wholly material beings. But the resulting materialism cannot be of any standard variety. It demands revisions and twists on the usual views. We can indeed learn about ourselves by learning about God. One thing we learn is that, though we are indeed wholly material beings, we’re not nearly as ordinary as we might seem.

Table of Contents

Opening Moves

Spirits Human and Divine

Simplicity and Mystery

God Alone


Bibliographic Information

Title: Monotheism and Human Nature

Author(s): Andrew M. Bailey

Publisher: ‎Cambridge University Press

 Language: English

Length: 78 pages

ISBN: 978-1108964401

Pub. Date: June 17, 2021

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