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Book: Manasik (Rituals) of Hajj in Brief

This book details the jurisprudence related to Hajj as per the rulings of Ayatullah al-Uzma, Sayyid Ali Khamenei. Topics such as conditions that make Hajj obligatory, rites of Hajj and Umrah, their respective requirements and prohibitions, have been discussed.

The Hajj in Islam, being incumbent upon a mustati, is not obligatory for more than once in the entire lifetime (of an individual).

The obligation of Hajj is immediate for a mustati; i.e. the Hajj should be performed in the first year of istitaah and any delay in it is not permissible. In case of delay, the obligation still remains and it should be performed in the following years.

If after istitaah, Hajj requires preliminaries like travel provisions, these should be arranged for, so that the Hajj could he performed in the very first year (of istitaah) In case of dereliction of the individual such that he could not go on Hajj in that year, the Hajj obligation remains and should be fulfilled later on under any conditions, even if the status of istitaah is lost.

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